In 2018, my poem was published in the poetry collection Life As It Happens.
It’s funny how I kissed your face
And I can’t remember it
How I fell off the bar
And can feel the pain in my leg
Days, days

After I broke free
Free from the loneliness
The littleness
The only-gay-they-know-ness 

But on the phone late at night
Miles, hours, cities away
You told me even if I never talked to them again
I’ll still have family in you

Because we have the unique privilege
To choose our own family
A privilege forged from reddened eyes
Slit wrists
And plagued bodies
But a privilege nonetheless
Because we made it one

And it’s funny how I kissed her face
Because I thought I was supposed to
And it’s funny how I kissed your face
Because I needed to breathe

Because I may have tasted like rum
And you may have tasted like a mystery
But your lips on mine felt like hope
Hope I never thought I’d have

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